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Scared of changing jobs? Here’s how to tackle your fears

Oct 21, 2022 | Careers Advice, Employment, Work

How to Tackle Your Fears About Changing Jobs

People don’t like change in general. It’s human nature to be scared of the unknown and to find a way to be comfortable where you are currently. This is no different with a new job. While it’s exciting to embark on a new adventure, where you can learn different skills and help build your resume, the switch can also be intimidating.

In the back of your mind, the questions loom. What if you hate your new job? What if you feel like the ‘new kid’ and have a hard time making friends? What if you don’t understand what’s being asked of you? What if your old employer still needs you?

These questions are common, but if you really do not like your current job, why stay in a place that makes you miserable? Here are a few ideas on how to tackle your fears and move forward into a new rewarding job.

Do Your Research

Not everyone hates their jobs. Many people really like the company they work for and the job they do every day. Before applying for a new position, do your research on the company. Talk to their current employees, attend networking events, investigate what companies have to offer for perks, and understand how the company works. If you feel confident that you’re applying at a good company, you’ll be less likely to shy away from doing so.

Look for a Job That Aligns With Your Goals

What are you looking for in a job? Why are you unhappy with your current job?

Outlining your goals will help you focus on what you are truly looking for in a job. If you’re looking for career progression, make sure there are opportunities when you are interviewing. Write out the reasons you’re looking for a change, and make sure that the company checks most of your boxes.

Don’t Be Perfect — Be Good Enough

Nobody expects you to be perfect. After all, you are human. Remember, when you are applying for a job, you don’t need to have every single skill that the company is looking for. Recruiters aren’t looking to check a box — they are trying to find someone who can do the job that is required of them. Sometimes you’ll have most of the skills, or have transferrable skills, and that is okay.

Have a Support Network

Make sure you have someone you can lean on — someone that will have your back. Talk to a friend or professional contact. Find a career coach to help you navigate the networks. They can help you brush up on interview skills and double-check your resume.

Be confident in yourself and you’ll find that you will succeed, no matter what path you choose.

Looking for that new role? We are here to help. Contact us today!